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VOL.1, NO.1 2008 // G u e r r i l l a A r t E x h i b i t /// E - P a i n t i n g s F o r T h e N e w G r e e n W o r l d

(wall painting)
Rosemary Frey

The World Is
Not For Sale
(BBCF peace banner)
Theresa Wolfwood et al.


Gandhi: We Must
Be the Change...
(BBCF peace banner)
Theresa Wolfwood et al.

The Last of
Its Kind
R. Hutchinson


R. Hutchinson


Violence Is
Not the Solution
(BBCF peace
banner) Theresa
Wolfwood et al.


Hiroshima Memorial
(BBCF peace banner)
Theresa Wolfwood et al.

art gallery

vol.1, no.1, 2008
(click on paintings
to open in full