Publication Policies...

Each issue of LNMV is a cooperative, nonprofit, collaborative effort which assembles the voluntary creative contributions of many devoted people - editors, artists, and writers. As a matter of principle, and to preserve the purity of spirit and good will at the heart of LNMV, we do not charge any author/artist submission fees or pay authors/artists/editors to contribute.

It is our policy to tolerate and publish works expressing a variety of possible viewpoints, including ones we sometimes disagree with. Views expressed herein are those of the individual authors and artists who contribute their works, and do not necessarily reflect those of LNMV or its editors.

Literary/artistic works featured in LNMV are displayed with permission from the respective authors/artists. They should not be copied, reproduced, or otherwise used without the expressed written consent of the copyright owners (the writers, visual artists, musicians). Note that it is our policy to only consider material for which the author or the artist her/himself holds the rights, and after publication in LNMV all rights remain with the respective authors/artists. If you wish to inquire about using and/or purchasing their work, you should directly contact the writer/artist.

We do our best to ensure that proper acknowledgment is given for all written, visual and audio materials employed in the construction of each issue of LNMV. If we have incorrectly attributed something, or made use of something we had thought to be public domain but was not, please email the editors so that we can promptly make the necessary corrections or attributions.

Submission Guidelines...

Submitted materials should be original work. All publication rights remain with the author/artist. You do not need to seek our permission to publish elsewhere, or simultaneously. The editorial board, as always in quality journals, will make decisions as to what they judge to be the most publication-worthy material for each issue. If you have questions as to whether or not something is appropriate material for LNMV, feel free to inquire first before sending.

POETRY: Poems for consideration should be placed directly in the body of an email, addressed to the LNMV editors. If you wish, you can also append an MS Word file of same -- especially if the poems are dependent on a particular spacing on the page (that could otherwise get jumbled in the email). 'Title' and 'author' of each submitted poem should be clearly stated.

All forms and styles of poetry are potentially acceptable to the editors -- from the most traditional to the most avant garde. Our primary consideration is quality, and relevance to the purposes of LNMV. We have high tolerance for sifting through poetry collections in search of the best material, so feel free to submit up to 10 poems at once for consideration.

VISUAL ART: All forms and styles of visual art are potentially acceptable. E-paintings and e-drawings, black & white and colour digitalized photographs, and clear photos you have taken of actual paintings, sculptures etc. are all acceptable, if they can be reasonably represented on a web page.

Given the purposes of this journal, the current editors are particularly interested in 'new green age' avant garde, ecotopian, socially-critical, anti-corporate, neospiritualist, eco-impressionist, eco-symbolist, and eco-surrealist art genres.

The art works should be sent in either JPG or GIF format, should be attached to an email to the LNMV editors, and the 'title' and the 'artist' of each submitted work should be clearly stated. Preferred sizes (in pixels) are 800(width) x 600(height), or 600x600 (if square), or 480x640 (if vertical portrait), though other sizes can be accommodated. Note that larger-sized images may have to be image-reduced, which in turn can affect quality/resolution on the web page. As with poems, feel free to submit up to 10 art works at once for consideration. It is best to send at most 3 or 4 max per email however, over several emails, to avoid 'bouncing' due to file size overload.

In the case of book reviews, movie reviews, and social / political commentary pieces - these can be of varying length, style, and format, but should usually not exceed the equivalent of two or three typewritten pages. For 'critical social commentary' pieces, we accept both traditional essay format (composed using standard sentences and paragaphs), and mixed "essay-poem" format (an increasingly popular alternative genre for social criticism 'essays', as can be seen from the examples in this issue.)

Obviously, the material covered should be complementary to the eco-progressive aims of the journal. With commentary and reviews it is usually wise to initially send to the editors a brief 'abstract' of what you intend to write, before proceeding. This helps ensure that what you propose is actually appropriate and will avoid disappointments later. We cannot of course guarantee that what you write will be published until we've seen it in final form - but the prior consultation usually makes it much more likely that what you send will be 'on target' for the purposes of this journal. As with the poems, commentary/reviews for consideration should be placed directly in the body of an email addressed to the LNMV editors, and if you wish you can also append an MSWord file of same.
